| back | overview | 1991| 92| 93| 95   95| 96| 97| 2002| 04| 06| 07| 08


Front side of the gift folder

Issue date: 06. November 2008
Official code of Icelandic Post: G 38

Mini sheet included in the booklet

Size (when closed): 165 x 95 mm
Size of the mini sheet: 165 x 95 mm
Design: Anna Þóra Árnadóttir
Printer: Joh. Enschedé Stamps, The Netherlands
Total quantity: 6000 gift folders

Price of the booklet: 800 ISK
Face value of the stamps: 515 ISK

Michel-Catalogue: MH 30 (1084C, 1155C, 1156 C, 1215)
Facit-Catalogue: GM 5 (BL 58; 1117, 1185, 1186, 1240)

Rear side


face value sheet booklet
ISK perforation quantity perforation quantity
10 K 14 250000 K 13¼:14 6000
45   K 13¼:14 6000
45.00 K 14 300000  
60 K 14 250000 K 13¼:14 6000
400K 13¼:14   306000

for comparison


Notes: The 45 ISK-stamps from the booklet (quantity: 6000) and from the sheet (quantity: 300000, issued in 2005) show significant differences: different face value (45 ISK and 45.00 ISK, respectively), slightly different position of the text in the upper left corner. (Differences in colors result from a changed sensitivity of the scanner).


Stamp from the booklet (left) and from the sheet (right)